Scott Erickson is an artist, author, performance speaker, and creative curate who mixes autobiography, mythology, and aesthetics to create art and moments that speak to our deepest experiences.
Now Available!
Excavation Cards
Playing Cards and Oracle Card decks with my illustrations to be used for formational aids through image contemplation.
Latest Book!
Say Yes
An illuminated manuscript about how our darkest moments are actually doorways to a deeper conversation about who we are, why we’re here, and how the future bursts with possibilities if we are willing to say yes to the gift of life on the other side of a death of a dream.

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Check out @Scottthepainter on Instagram for my most current work and updates. Looking for other ways to support the work? Check out my Patreon page.
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Need a frame?
Beautiful work is on it's way! Now you just need some beautiful frames to hang it. Checkout some of these framing solutions.